Tech dilemma
Ok let me start out by saying my tech ‘John” has become probably my closest friend over the 3 years he has worked for me.
Im an easygoing boss- you need to come in late? Ok. take the day off ? OK. but I expect to have hours still produced and can get very passionate about that!@.
The problem?
John doesnt produce enough hours to pay him his salary- I lose money on him (this week,his work totalled about 10-15 hrs) and I pay for 40. He comes in about 11-12am (he says he just cant get up earlier in tiem to get there any sooner) and stays all evening -sometimes well after I have left for the night at 9pm- to do jobs that I think another tech could do in half the time (or close to it)
Of course, is the restoration industry it isnt always so cut and dry but even then- he is slow slow slow.
What to do here? I was thinking about making him a part time employee (3 days a week) thinking he might get back on track. was also thinking of telling him he wont get paid for all the hours unles he is able to bill out at least 75% of them- sort of like a contractor or flat rate.
I know I could have another tech in here in 24 hrs- we get tons of resumes every week wanting to work for me.
I was told (and I’m not sure if its the truth) that a contracter cant be hired unless he shows prooof of his own workers comp by my payroll company. anyone know about that?
Bottom line is- Im damned if I do and damned if I dont-
Ive sat him down and told him numerous times where its at- it just doesnt seem to sink in.Now what? The other employees are also starting to resent him for making his own hours and being so lazy.
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