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Home Forums Everything Else SOP

  • Posted by tomkloss on October 30, 2013 at 8:13 am

    What are the top 10 standard operating procedures a shop needs. We have never put any down on paper in 30 years. We have forms for some things we do and perform most operations in a usual fashion. Any suggestions on where to start building SOPs.

    carlosabucco replied 11 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Tom

    October 31, 2013 at 6:02 am

    There are so many that come to mind that a top 10 list is a bit difficult. 

    Here is what we do:
    An issue of some/any kind comes up.
    We create a relatively brief and to the point procedure/policy on how to deal with it. 
    We ask for a quick review (today) from others at the shop.
    We edit it accordingly.
    We include it in a weekly email to all staff making it clear that this is how we will do things.
    As time goes on, we make adjustments as needed.
    Over time we have accumulated well over 100 of these which are specific to our shop.
    We have them grouped/indexed for easy reference (oil changes, comebacks, shop care, etc).
    We email an updated complete list to employees regularly.
    At one time we would try to create policies and procedures in advance, however we found that for most issues the result came out better if handled right when it came up. 
  • carlosabucco

    November 7, 2013 at 1:28 pm


    Top 10 procedures should focus on most critical aspects of the bsuiness that if someone or somthing was to happen a fill in could follow the procedure.

    1) RO write up from greeting customer, taking information all the way through to closing the ro. That a big one. If your advisor quit tomorrow what would you do essentially?

    2) core safety issues – internet down, hydro, fire, accident (heart attck of employee) , hurt due to equipment, power failure, oil spills – environmental issues

    3) jod descriptions – what are you responsible for and what are there dutires in the company. Prevents any HR related issues down the road.

    These have way more then 10 itmes in the,

    Added to this SOP WRITTEN are a thing onf the past really. Max 10 minute you tube videos are ideal. get a really good HD camera and film the SOP item. Easy to reference in the futire and easy to digest for employees.

    carlo sabucco




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