Symptom Not Occurring Policy (Sample Document from Premium Area)
1: Regarding invoices where the test results state that the symptom is not occurring, or tech is not noticing it, etc.:
a) A tech or advisor should ride with the customer anytime that the symptom sounds like it may not be obvious. Not just for noises, but for any symptom.
b) If (a) did not happen, ask the customer to stop by and show the tech or advisor the symptom. This extra step can be eliminated if (a) happens every time.
c) If neither (a) or (b) happened, ask the customer to show the symptom to the tech or advisor when they are picking the car up. This is not ideal, but it is a bit better than nothing.2: Customers do not mention a symptom unless they are convinced that it happened. We need to find out what they noticed and why.
3: When we state that nothing is happening and leave it like that, we may look like we don’t care or that we are incompetent – plus we may lose a potential sale of some type of repair or service, and in some cases, lose the customer.
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