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Home Forums Employees Survey – Quality Control – How is it handled at your shop

  • Survey – Quality Control – How is it handled at your shop

    Posted by Site Administrator on November 9, 2013 at 5:55 am

    Quality control checks are performed by:

    _____ Another tech

    _____ Service advisor

    _____ The tech working on the car

    _____ Shop foreman

    _____ We do not have a formal system

    Details on why you do it the way that you do would be helpful.
    John Shanderuk replied 10 years, 11 months ago 8 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Tom

    November 9, 2013 at 10:53 am

    The tech working on the car. I know a lot of shops do it differently, but this works for our shop.

    My belief is that the person doing the work should be responsible for making sure it is done right. I don’t want them to figure that someone else will check it and catch any issues…therefore they can skip double checking their work.
    When something comes back, I want one person holding the bag.
    I don’t feel comfortable having people work on cars who have to be watched because they just aren’t capable of making sure things are done right. 
    The only exception to this would be during training.
  • russmccloud

    November 11, 2013 at 1:14 pm

    We have the tech drive the vehicle to confirm the repairs. Then it is brought up to our Technical Advisor/my partner/brother in law and he then drives the vehicle again to confirm the repairs and look for any other issues. We began this process after some turnover and quality was becoming an issue. Things like oil caps left off, items left under hood, etc. This has yielded tremendous results! Finding issues and returning the vehicle to the tech was commonplace at first, rather unusual to have it happen now.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    November 11, 2013 at 3:42 pm

    My belief is that the person doing the work should be responsible for making sure it is done right. I don’t want them to figure that someone else will check it and catch any issues…therefore they can skip double checking their work.
    When something comes back, I want one person holding the bag.
    I don’t feel comfortable having people work on cars who have to be watched because they just aren’t capable of making sure things are done right. 

    I’m right there with you.  If someone had ever “Double-checked” my work I would have been out the door, ASAP!  Hire responsible people and let them do their jobs.

  • karko

    November 12, 2013 at 11:37 am

    The right person for the job is the foreman and not the technician .If the foreman conducts all of the quality control for the workshop that leaves the technician free to begin another job and the hours worked on that job are reduced and so productivity increases .Now if the foreman doesn’t have the skills to perform the job then you have the wrong person in a key position

  • eddywallace

    February 8, 2014 at 8:13 pm

    It is the techs responsibility to make sure it is correct. Like was said previously, if you have to overlook every job you have the wrong techs. I have 25 techs and we spot check jobs of newer techs or if we have had a past issue with a tech.

  • gzloom

    February 12, 2014 at 3:06 pm

     We have 4 techs incl the foreman. We Hold the Foreman responsible and he holds his techs.  Comebacks would go against incentives.  Thank God they are few for quality issues.


  • John Shanderuk

    February 13, 2014 at 1:52 pm

    I made a job template like this.

    Uptown Imports Pre-Delivery Inspection

    ___Test driven to verify repairs completed properly

    ___Any other issues noted on order and brought to attention of advisor

    ___Interior / exterior of vehicle clean of dirt and smudges

    ___Remove all tools from vehicle

    ___Top up fluids / check tire pressures

    ___N/A Service indicator lights and or service data reset

    ___N/A Wheels torqued to specification

    ___N/A All fasteners torqued to specification

    ___N/A Engine covers / under panels reattached

    ___N/A All residual fluids cleaned

    ___N/A Dye added for oil leak re-inspection

    ___N/A Dye added for coolant leak re-inspection

    ___N/A Coolant leak repairs tested by pressurization

    ___N/A Intake, vacuum, breather, evap leaks re tested

    Performed by:

    The techs do it and they just delete the things that are not applicable to the job they are working on.  

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