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  • Periodic Shop Maintenance Duties

    Posted by J. Larry Bloodworth on April 19, 2022 at 2:20 pm

    Periodically, every shop needs maintenance in multiple forms.  Ours included…

    Air Compressor

    Spray Cabinet Parts Washer

    Recirculating Solvent Sinks

    Water/Oil Traps

    Evaporative Shop Coolers (Swamp Coolers)

    Office HVAC Filter Changes

    Parking Lot Stripes

    I got really tired of training new employees on how to perform these maintenance duties.  Training usually involved employees watching me doing all the maintenance duties.  I had been using YouTube to sell transmission work since YouTube came out in 2005 and it finally dawned on me.  Why couldn’t I use YouTube for maintenance duties? 

    So over the course of a year, I made about a dozen short videos on how to perform the various maintenance duties require around the shop.  Suddenly, teaching new employees how to do maintenance became so easy.  I’d assign them a chore to do and pull up the video for that task.  Since I’ve retired, I deleted most of those videos but I did manage to find one on servicing our air compressor.  I hope this gives other shop owners ideas to do the same.  Here’s the video…

    Servicing The Shop Air Compressor 




    J. Larry Bloodworth replied 2 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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