Are you doing re-marketing with Google Adwords?
Re-marketing is a way of identifying a visitor to your website, then targeting them with ads on the Google Ad network. In Google Adwords you can create Audiences. Adding code to pages on your website, then building new ad campaigns in Google Adwords. These ads target visitors who may not have been in the buying cycle(or due for service yet).
Imagine this:Betsy is moving to town and want to make sure there is a BMW Shop in the area so she does not have to go to the dealer. She googles BMW Repair SomeTown. She finds your shop and checks you out on your website. She clicks the BMW Page. Looks at a Map and some customer reviews. Normally your interaction with Betsy ends here. She moves to town and 2 Months later needs an oil change. She may or may not remember you.With Re-marketing Betsy is entered into your BMW Re-marketing Audience. You Run a BMW Specific ad campaign that only targets people like Betsy (viewed the BMW Repair Page on your website.) For two Months Betsy see ads on Google Search Partners Websites(Places like AOL, Google Maps, and many many other sites). These ads help build your credibility and deliver selling points of your shop.I feel Google Adwords Re-Marketing is a no-brainer. You spend less than traditional Google Adwords marketing and you target people that had genuine interest in your shop.Do you know about Re-marketing on Google Adwords? It’s kind of like the CRM of the web. I’m running these for my current BusinessActualization clients in addition to there standard adwords campaigns, but they can be run as stand alone accounts as well.
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