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  • trackspecautosports

    November 11, 2015 at 6:02 pm in reply to: How Paperless is your shop?

    Does anyone use DropBox for business? I’m thinking of using it for things like storing sales presos, process documentation, etc, in an effort to stay paperless.

    Any suggestions on other Dropbox-like software that has permissions & version control?

    I use Box.com because it comes with 10gb free, as opposed to DropBox which comes with 2gb. I use Box for all my biz docs, photos, manuals. Then also use Google Drive (which comes with 30gb free) for collaborative docs and quick notes.

  • trackspecautosports

    November 11, 2015 at 3:44 pm in reply to: How Paperless is your shop?


    Coming from an SF tech company to an auto shop was a little shocking in terms of amount of paper used…I made some changes to reduce our printing by getting online access to our CC machine swipes (they used to print out every day’s transaction summaries). But still seems like a lot of programs, software, and vendors still have a hard time being completely paperless. Would be nice if there was an auto shop software that also integrates with our business bank account and business debit card and can integrate everything from invoicing to shop expenses. If anyone finds one, please let me know!