The Most Fun Part Of Running A Shop
I was talking with one of my clients last week, and he said something that stuck with me. He said he was having a lot of fun running his shop again!
This happens with most of my clients around the 4-6 month mark, and I’m always intrigued to find out why the shop is all the sudden more fun. Is it because your making more money? Is it because things are more consistent and you can relax? Is it because you have systems in place and you now have more free time?
Turns out none of those were this clients answer.
His answer was that he is only working on the parts of the business he loves and he has delegated the rest to someone else. This is a major secret of the wealthy. I call it highest and best use.
One of the things I try to help my clients understand is that there is only 1 of you. Find out what your best at and what you enjoy doing the most, and focus all of your energy on that one thing. Then find someone else either an employee or partner who is amazing at the other parts of the business and delegate the rest to them.
So my question that I want you to think about is what part of running your shop is the most fun? If money was no issue and you could focus your attention on one area like marketing, or selling, or accounting, or leadership, what ever it is… What would that one area be for you?
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