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  • Technician Efficiency – Free Sample Document from Premium Member Area

    Posted by AMN Admin on January 22, 2019 at 12:09 pm

    1: Tool box
    a) Organize tools so that similar items are in the same drawer or group of drawers.
    b) Label drawers and sockets.
    c) Remove tools and any other items that are never used.
    d) Move items that are rarely used to a lower drawer.
    e) Return tools to their designated place before starting the next job.

    2: Carts
    a) Place tools that you use often in the cart, then move the cart to the job.
    b) Place removed parts in the cart instead of on the car, lift, or under hood.
    c) Remove clutter – old parts, tools rarely used, misc. miscellaneous items.
    d) Use a job cart for larger jobs. Place all the items from that job on the cart and move it out of the way when waiting for machine shop service or other delays.
    e) Keep these items on your cart:
    1) Battery cleaner
    2) Battery sealer
    3) Brake cleaner
    4) Brake lube
    5) Brake quiet
    6) Glass cleaner
    7) Penetrant
    8) Emery cloth
    9) Rags
    10) Wire ties
    11) Brake fluid tester
    12) Coolant tester
    13) Disc micrometer
    14) Pad thickness gauge
    15) Tire pressure gauge
    16) Tread depth gauge
    17) Wire brush
    18) Ear protection
    19) Gloves
    20) Safety glasses

    3: Equipment
    a) If it needs maintenance or repair or replacement, tell management immediately.
    b) If it should be upgraded to something better, let management know.
    c) If it is something that we do not have, but we should, let management know.
    d) If it should be moved somewhere else within the shop so that it can be used more efficiently, let management know.
    e) If it is rarely or never used, let management know so we can either store it off site or get rid of it somehow.

    4: Bays and lifts
    a) Select the bay and lift that is best suited for the type of repair and for the type of vehicle you are working on.
    b) Discuss bay selection with the other techs to make sure that the bay you choose makes the most sense for what everyone must do.

    5: Jobs
    a) Be ready when your time to start your morning and afternoon shifts arrive so you do not have to spend time preparing to be ready to work after your work time has begun.
    b) When switching from one job to another, whether it is on the same car or on a different car, move promptly to that next job.
    c) Avoid pausing for unnecessary breaks between jobs. If you absolutely need a break, then take the time you need and move to the next job. When you stop, your pay and the advisor’s pay and the owners’ pay decreases. It is not only you who is affected.
    d) Plan on how you can switch from job to job and car to car with as little wasted time as possible.
    e) Learn to use the time clocking in the software fully and accurately. When you do not do so, it will sometimes cost you money because the advisor will assume that the lesser time is what is to be used for billing and pay calculations.

    6: Inspections and testing
    a) As soon as you complete an individual inspection or test, inform the advisor so the estimating can begin instead of waiting until all inspections and tests are done for a car.
    b) When you determine a certain part or parts which need to be replaced, and you suspect that the parts may not be available quickly, inform the advisor so the parts search can begin as soon as possible.
    c) Perform courtesy inspections first since they are usually quick and easy to do, and will often find the cause of one or more complaints.
    d) Checklists should flow logically so that the least number of steps or back and forth is needed to complete the checklist. Suggest changes anytime that the checklist does not flow smoothly.

    7: Information
    a) We have many forms of software and access to websites loaded with information. It is usually not a question of whether the information that you need is available to you – it’s instead a question of being able to locate it. Searching for and locating accurate and helpful information is a skill that takes time to learn to do efficiently.
    b) When you are stuck for something to do, go to each one of our information sources one at a time. Watch tutorials and other videos, read the FAQ’s and instructions and help sections, then practice searching for information.

    8: Parts, inventory, supplies
    a) Use a parts tray with compartments during disassembly of a repair. Place items in the compartments in the order that they are removed. Then install them in reverse order during reassembly.
    b) When you notice that we are out of a part that we normally keep on hand, or the amount remaining may be insufficient for what is ahead, write the part number on the wipe-off board and inform the person who normally orders most of our inventory parts.
    c) When you notice that we are out of a supply item that we normally keep on hand, or the amount remaining may be insufficient for what is ahead, write the part number or description on the wipe-off board and inform the person who normally orders most of our supplies.
    d) When asked (or you anticipate an issue) assist the advisor in looking up the part or parts that will be needed.
    e) Parts ordering and all contact with parts vendors should be handled by the advisor. The only time that a tech should be involved is if he is specifically asked to do so.

    9: Stuck on a diagnosis or repair
    a) Learn how to use each resource that is available fully and efficiently.
    b) Use all the resources we have that may have the information you need.
    c) If you are stuck, ask for assistance immediately.

    10: Quality control
    a) When a car comes back for some reason because we did not fully handle it correctly, the amount of time spent by the advisor and technician is many times greater than the extra time it likely would have taken to handle it fully when the car was here before.
    b) Use the checklists and systems that we have in place for quality control.
    c) Double check anything that you are not 100% sure about.
    d) Triple check the weird stuff.
    e) But, avoid over checking everything. Problems do occur – they just should not happen very often.

    11: Cell phones and other personal electronic devices
    a) Personal devices are for use on personal time – before work, after work, and during lunch hour.
    b) If you are unable to limit their use, then leave them in your car or place them on airplane mode during work hours.
    c) Inform your family, friends, etc. when you are and are not available to text, talk, etc. If an emergency occurs, tell them to call the shop phone and ask for you.

    12: Efficiency in general
    a) We are constantly looking for ways to get more done without working any harder, but doing things differently in some way. When we could be more efficient by improving a system, or a piece of equipment, or anything else of any kind, inform management so we can see what can be done.
    b) A sense of urgency is very helpful; however, it should not be confused with hurrying or rushing things. A sense of getting things done properly, and doing so as quickly as possible without leaving anything out or undone works best.
    c) Focus and concentrate. If this is a constant problem for you, it may be health related in some way. It may be a simple as lack of sleep or what you eat. Research it online for ideas to try, and see your doctor as regularly as they recommend.
    d) Stopping work to wait for a part or an authorization or something similar when there is something else to do on the same car or a different car is extremely costly. This is a huge efficiency killer and causes damage to the paychecks of three or more people when it occurs.


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    AMN Admin replied 6 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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