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Home Forums Employees Shop Meetings Survey – When and how often?

  • Shop Meetings Survey – When and how often?

    Posted by Site Administrator on August 14, 2013 at 5:36 am

    When do you hold shop meetings?

    _____ First thing in the morning

    _____ Lunch hour

    _____ End of day

    _____ Evening

    _____ Weekend

    _____ No specific time

    How often do you hold them?

    _____ Daily

    _____ Weekly

    _____ Every two weeks

    _____ Monthly

    _____ No specific schedule

    _____ Never

    Additional comments welcome

    elderauto replied 8 years, 8 months ago 7 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • joecval

    August 14, 2013 at 8:19 am

    We schedule our meetings every Monday morning for 8am. We do schedule them meaning we don’t take any appointments until 8:30 on Mondays to allow time for the meeting. I like doing the meeting every week as it allows them to move quicker with less information to share week to week verses month to month. We go over the KPI numbers as a shop and compare to our goals. We also worked through as a shop our SOP (Standard Operation Procedure) manual a page at a time. We also discuss the previous weeks positives as well as the negatives, with a mindset of always improving. The next step to implement will be meeting with the SA’s with more sales focus and also a separate meeting for Techs with more technical focus in addition to our weekly shop meeting. Sometimes I really feel the need to take extra time to focus on the individual positions and people.

  • russmccloud

    August 19, 2013 at 4:15 pm

    That’s a good program Joe, well done! I meet with our techs
    for lunch once a month and go over what is good and what we can improve on. I
    feel that it is good for camaraderie and open, two way discussions. I also
    schedule meetings every two weeks with Service staff in the evening immediately
    following work. These are cancelled fairly often if there is nothing of good
    substance to discuss. A lot of the cancelled meetings are accomplished in a
    very brief period during the day if there are only one or two minor issues to

  • Karl Helbich

    May 18, 2016 at 3:30 pm

    Joe that sounds like a good program to follow suit thank you for posting! 

  • Tom Piippo

    May 25, 2016 at 6:20 pm

    We are a 3 to 4 man shop, we meet every Wednesday for lunch, shop meeting and training. I keep an off-site facility (training center) to keep the distractions of the shop environment away. I built a full kitchen in the training center and my wife supplies a tasty hot lunch to the guys. We break from work from 11:30 to 1:00. This gives ample time to discuss any business AND I have the guys attention for all the training material that I buy and they never watch on their own. We finally got through that AVI library of videos and most of the on-line stuff they supply. I attached a 60″ TV to the PC for a monitor so it’s really in their face along with a pretty good sound system. They look forward to it every week.

  • Randy

    June 2, 2016 at 4:09 pm

    Weekly, 30-minutes before we open (Tuesday).  Sometimes it’s not enough time but then we take it in to the bays to finish up while the SA’s intake work for the day. 

  • elderauto

    June 10, 2016 at 1:04 pm

    Good practice Randy. We do the same each week, we call it the good, bad and ugly meeting. we discuss car count, average RO, total sales, training classes coming up and of course we feed the gang. Expectation and accountability helps each week. It also keeps everyone informed. I try and emphasize its their business also.
    Great article Randy

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