• jtrent

    January 6, 2013 at 7:40 pm

    see 2 issues. You need to fix the website page URL’s for maximum

    SEO. Since your site is running WordPress this is easy to fix.

    Currently your URL’s are structured as “www.yourwebsite.com/?p=123”

    They need to be changed to show the page keyword (title) in URL like

    “www.yourwebsite.com/brakerepair/” This is easy to fix by changing

    the permalink settting in the back end of WordPress.

    Settings > Permalinks > Common settings – Change from default button

    to “Post name” and click save. Go to your website and refresh page

    and you will see the URL format has changed to show the keyword

    instead of a bunch of gobbledy gook at the of the URL.

    The second issue is your header graphic file is too big and make your

    page load slowly. I would change it from a png file to a jpg and have

    it resized to under 100K. Right now the file size is over 600K. That’s

    why when you first load the page the photo isn’t complete and scrolls

    down the page as it loads.

    Search for Shrink O Matic, it’s a free tool that you can download and

    use to resize images.

    Other than that, your website looks pretty good. I built our shop

    website using WordPress and you can look at my page URL’s to see an

    example of what they should look like. http://www.KonaCarShop.com

  • Alan Ollie

    January 6, 2013 at 10:50 pm

    Both sites are lacking unique content related to your services you

    preform.I Guess i am lucky all i have to do is target VW and Audi’s.

    Try to add keywords with references to local landmarks.

    just my 2 cents OLlie


    January 18, 2013 at 2:05 am

    Thanks for the great input! Corrections underway as we type. Cheers.

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