Excellent, I’ll incorporate into our procedures! Here’s our torque policy. We have our employees sign this agreement and put in their personnel folder:
Torque Specification Verification Agreement
The employees of Tobias Automotive strive every day to be the best in their field and perform auto service and repair to the highest standards. Today’s vehicles are complex. These complexities include changes in designs, metals, and configurations. Today’s technician must be very knowledgeable and learning all the time in order to adapt to these changes. Tolerances are critical. What we used to take for granted now requires very close attention.
There are torque specifications for most all components installed on today’s vehicles. Tobias Automotive requires its employees to review the vehicle service manual and torque these components to the specification required. This includes but is not limited to:
• Wheels
• Brake Components
• Spark Plugs
• Seat Belt Retainers
The list above is an example only. Wheels if tightened too tight bend, warp rotors, and make it impossible for a client to change a tire on the side of the road. Too loose the wheel falls off causing an accident with critical consequences. Brake components will loosen and cause dangerous non braking condition. Spark plugs will loosen causing a lean condition causing a poor running engine and / or damage to the engine. Fuel mixtures requirements are so strict and the metals very susceptible to damage due to lean conditions. Seat belt retainers will cause the belt to fail during an accident. The list could go on and on. If the manufacturer requires a specific tension or torque we are required to measure it and ensure that the proper torque is applied.
All employees are required to follow these guidelines. Failure to adhere to this requirement will result in disciplinary action up to and including employment termination.
I have read and agree to follow this requirement.