Hi Ashley,
I applaud you for getting email addresses. Most shops don’t.
As you are a CustomerLink customer, you know we capture email addresses from Mitchell. So instead of you transferring the list to another program like ACT and then creating your email notices and sending them out. We already do all that. And when we send out the Thank Yous, Factory service interval reminders, LOF reminders, Technician Recommendations, Haven’t seen you lost customer recovery, etc. etc. direct mail, we also send a companion email for FREE. We also send out an email “request for review” after every service. Then you (we) can post those reviews on-line and to your Facebook page we create. We also have a way to find more verified email addresses to add to your database for only $25 for every 100 new matches.
Oh, I like your website but you should think about putting some coupon offers. You can do that yourself, ask for some help if you don’t remember how. It’s easy with our pre-designed color artwork.
I also like your Google share site we created. You’ve already got lots of reviews. You might consider having some special promos there too. You can easilly add them
Let me know if you need some help.