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  • opridgett

    May 28, 2013 at 12:46 pm in reply to: Where have all the employees gone?

    This is a very good Post! I’m in the process of opening a shop in Texas and this is making me a bit gun shy about potential employees.
    All in all Jmazur and Tom both has made very good points about our country and our children.
    I grew up in the mid 60s and 70s when the school could no longer allow us to say prayer openly. It started with a moment of silence. If you have not taught your kids to pray all they will have during that moment is silence and maybe a moment to thinking of some devious act to impose on there classmates. I also remember the first time the school sent home a note stating that we as kids or the school could report our parents to the proper authorities if we were being abused. Now I would never condone child abuse but I think that changed the way a great part of our generation’s view of respect in the home and in public. I witness youth in all walk of our economical and social back ground today. There lack of respect for themselves and other around them are getting worse by the day. I had a healthy enough dose of respect and fear from my parents where peer pressure was never an issue growing up. Because of my respect of my parents all my friend and neighbors treated my parents with the proper respect. Respect, Obedience, loyalty, reliability, responsibility, honesty, hard work are what’s missing in our families and our governmental official today.  Family is where thy will get it first and best.