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  • Re: Management Success ?????

    Posted by classicimports on August 15, 2011 at 10:12 pm

    I/we went to Management Success! and yes the program is Expensive! we did the first weekend seminars and many, many more. The Scientology is deeply rooted in their program but not averse to regular Christianity. My feeling is that Scientology is basicly the physics of relationships and operating principles. Meaning that if X is happening right now and you want Y to happen, then there is a certain set of things that needs to be done. If you do the wrong thing then you will get the wrong results… just as simple as getting parts. Wrong car and wrong year will get you the wrong parts. Every time! lol My shop is located in a very small town. It is by far the busiest and MOST EXPENSIVE shop in the tricounty area. Every time I raise my rates I get busier. (is that even a word) I also have the best diagnostic equipment and best trained techs in the area. I have not been sorry I took the classes… EVER! I have also taken Tom Hamms classes, ASA classes RL Oconner classes etc. ALL are good. If you want to stay in this industry you need some sort of classes on management!!!!! Also you need to stay up with the changing Technology!!!!! NO IFS AND OR BUTS! All the different trainers are saying the same basic thing, they just get to the end result a little differently. Management Success does have one BIG difference besides price. How to really get the process out of the classroom and into the shop!!! the seminars are much more indeapth and the training is actual and real. It is not something surface taught and you are left with the hows and whys. My shop is a testament to that!

    Mikail Pinette

    Classic Imports inc.

    richie replied 10 years ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • cterzi

    February 14, 2014 at 12:51 pm

    Yeah, I have seen a huge number of shops really doing well after going through Management Success’es program.  If one follows the program and implements it, it can really turns things around.

  • richie

    January 28, 2015 at 11:04 am

    Anybody else out there try Management Success, ATI, APM, RL Oconnor, 180, turnaround tour, Elite, ?

    I would really appreciate some input. Big Decision to spend the time and money.

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