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Home Forums Employees Four Interviewing Tips that will help you the Hire Superstar Techs

  • Four Interviewing Tips that will help you the Hire Superstar Techs

    Posted by Site Administrator on February 22, 2017 at 7:58 am

    Four Interviewing Tips that will help you the Hire Superstar Techs

    We all know it’s getting harder and harder to find the superstar techs, but finding those stars is just the beginning. Once found, you need to interview them like a seasoned pro. Here are some interviewing tips that we share with our Elite Coaching clients:

    #1. Impress the applicant with your professionalism. When you are interviewing a real superstar, they will be interviewing you at the same time, so you need to really wow them. One way is by being well prepared, and ensuring you have a well-thought-out list of questions that you will ask. In compiling your list, ensure you ask questions about their goals, their interests, and what they feel the hallmarks of a good employer are. The more they realize that you are interested in them, their family, their success and their opinions, the more interest they will have in working with you.

    #2. The superstars look for opportunities, not jobs. There is no question that the superstars can easily find jobs. As a matter of fact, with rare exception they already have one, and have little interest in moving from one to another. On the other hand, the superstars are always looking to advance their lives and careers. This is why you need to not only offer them an opportunity, but you will need to spell it out in very clear terms. Let them know that they’ll not only have some wonderful growth and income opportunities, but they will be a part of a vibrant, growing company that will be good for the industry, and community, for years to come.

    #3. Have a key employee participate in your second or third interview. This will allow you to obtain a number of insights from your employee, will send a powerful message to the applicant that you value the opinion of your employees, and will let the applicant know that you want to ensure they are a great fit; not only for the position, but as a part of your entire team.

    #4. At the conclusion of the second or third interview, ask if you can meet with them again, along with any spouse (partner, better-half, etc.) they may have. By asking to meet the applicant’s spouse you are sending a powerful message that you care about the family members of all of your employees. Not only will this meeting allow you to learn a lot more about the applicant (and their family), but you will have the opportunity to make a positive impact on someone that will have a strong influence on the applicant’s decision. You should also have a package ready to provide them that contains general information on your compensation and incentive program, your Mission Statement, your team and your company’s accomplishments. This way they will have something concrete to review at home, rather than trying to recall what they may remember from your conversations. If you do your job correctly, you can rest assured that on their drive home the spouse will more than likely be selling the applicant on two things: You, and the opportunity you are offering.

    “Since 1990, Bob Cooper has been the president of Elite (http://www.EliteWorldwide.com), a company that strives to help shop owners reach their goals and live happier lives, while elevating the industry at the same time. The company offers one-on-one coaching from the industry’s top shop owners, service advisor training, peer groups, along with sales, marketing and shop management courses. You can contact Bob at contact@eliteworldwide.com, or at 800-204-3548.”


    Site Administrator replied 7 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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