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Home Forums Training – Webinars, Podcasts, Videos, Events Feeling the Power of Customer Care

  • Feeling the Power of Customer Care

    Posted by Site Administrator on April 15, 2022 at 1:41 pm

    I stood and listened in amazement. You could tell the lady at the ticket
    counter seeking to check in for her flight was totally confused. It was
    apparent she didn’t understand what was going on.

    Her voice was shaky as she asked the ticket agent, “Do I get my boarding
    pass from you?”

    Never looking up, he asked, “Are you on the 6:30 flight?”


    “Then, you’re too late to check in,” was the gruff reply she received.

    “What do you mean? I just need a boarding pass.”

    He looked up, leaned in and said in a very angry loud voice, “Didn’t you
    hear what I said? You are too late. Your flight leaves in 25 minutes and you
    are too late to check in. You will have to get back in line and be rebooked.”
    She tried to ask him another question, but the look on his face frightened
    her. So, she walked away, and as she was leaving, the agent said in a low
    voice, but not one low enough you couldn’t hear his words, “Dumb
    passenger! I don’t have time for people like that.”

    I could hear him and so could the other people who were standing there. I
    looked at the faces of those around me and their looks said it all.

    The agent I was working with just shook her head and said, “I am so sorry
    you had to see that. When they put him on the counter, Customers never
    have a good experience with him. They really should just leave him in the

    How important is the presence, the attitude, of a person in a customer
    connection position? Can attitude destroy a positive customer experience?
    The answer is a resounding “YES!”

    As much as organizations talk about Customer Service, as much money as
    has been spent on Customer Service training, many still haven’t gotten the
    message – it is the customer that keeps any organization in business. If the
    customer goes away, so does the business.

    Customer Service is a concept! That’s all it is – it is concept most
    organizations preach, but very few monitor to see what their people are
    doing with the concept.

    Customer Satisfaction is a feeling! It is the customer’s positive experience
    that results in Customer Loyalty. The FEELINGS of the customer are what
    must be monitored. In the world of Customer Care, the REAL definition of
    an organization is defined by what the customer FEELS about their
    experience with the human representative they come in contact with. That
    experience will either create Customer Satisfaction or Customer

    When the FEELING is one of disappointment, the result is Customer
    disconnect. That means either the loss of or the lessening of business from
    that Customer.

    For years, I have taught the crusade of any organization must be to build a
    connection between the Company and the Customer that creates a presence
    that is present when they are not present.

    That is the sales job every organization must be delivering. To achieve this,
    all who represent the company in any form MUST be about expressing
    Customer Appreciation. The bridge that connects the concept of Customer
    Service to the feeling of Customer Satisfaction is the expression of Customer
    Appreciation. When a Customer FEELS appreciated, they believe they
    matter to the company and that makes them WANT to do more business.
    When they FEEL their business doesn’t matter, they will leave, and the
    bridge will be emotionally blown up.

    This means the attitude, the spirit, of all who represent the organization in
    any way must present the message that says our Customers are our #1
    priority, and we will work to strengthen our relationship with each one
    through showing them we appreciate their business.

    This cannot be a mission statement! It must be the crusade that everyone is
    committed to. If they are not, they must go! There is nothing more important
    than taking care of the Customer – both the Internal and the External
    Customer. Every organization has two types of Customers. First is the
    Internal Customer. Most refer to them as employees. Over the years, I have
    found the attitude of management to be, “an employee is an evil necessity.”
    As long as this attitude prevails, the Internal Customer will not feel valued
    or appreciated. That means their presence in the life of the External
    Customer will not create a positive Customer experience.

    Leadership must be taking care of the Internal Customer. The internal
    Customer is leadership’s primary customer. The FEELINGS of the Internal
    Customer create the EXPRESSIONS they take to the External Customer.
    When the Internal Customer doesn’t feel appreciated by their leader, the
    result will be a weakening of their spirit, their morale, and that will become
    visible through their attitude. This attitude will be shared both verbally and
    non-verbally with their co-workers and the External Customers they have
    contact with.

    To achieve this, the emphasis must be taken off of managing people and
    replaced with developing strong leaders. These leaders must lead with a
    presence that expresses concern through connecting with their people
    through listening, letting them know they matter, and holding them
    accountable to implementing a presence of value to the External Customer.
    Managers manage tasks! Leaders lead people. When the emphasis is on the
    task and not strengthening the people, the work environment will become
    dysfunctional. Most people do the “task” because they have to; that means
    their heart is not into what they are doing. Where there is respect for their
    leader, they respond with a respect that is demonstrated through their
    treatment of the External Customer.

    In my working with companies, I have found the greatest challenge within
    the leadership is the fact the people’s needs of the company are beyond the
    skill level of so many in a management position.

    These unprepared managers don’t know how to work with the emotional
    needs of today’s Internal Customer. The result has been management
    withdrawing from the people and hiding in their world of doing tasks.
    Performing task management is not leading people. In reality, it is
    management’s way of avoiding their people.

    This has created the FEELING with the Internal Customer they aren’t
    appreciated, and their presence doesn’t matter. They are simply there to do
    a task, not to be a valuable part of the company.

    What must today’s Leader do to express to their internal customer the
    FEELING of Appreciation?

    • Listen to them.
    Not listening sends a strong message of not caring.
    • Enable them through training and implementation.
    Expect them to improve and then hold them accountable for
    • Always be among them, but not one of them.
    Walk in the midst of them, but don’t seek to become their friend.
    • Don’t let problems go unresolved.
    Unresolved issues strengthen the disconnect.
    • Expectations must be consistent for all the people.
    Don’t play favorites.
    • Respond, don’t react to their concerns.
    When the leader reacts, they put the person down.

    I was invited to sit in on a company’s beginning-of-the-year management
    meeting. The CEO wanted to see if I could help him strengthen his
    leadership. As each was giving their yearly department report, those who
    hadn’t reached their quota had an excuse. Most of the excuses had to do with
    their people not doing their job.

    The CEO was watching my face and finally asked, “You seem to be smiling.
    What are you smiling about?”

    “The behavior of these people who are supposedly your leadership. I find it
    interesting they are blaming their people for their lack of leadership. They
    don’t seem to understand the behavior of all their people is consistent with
    their design for them. People aren’t because they are – they are because those
    who are suppose to be providing leadership let them be that way. It is
    apparent you have managers who don’t have the strength to be leaders.”
    Now, that didn’t win me any brownie points with those there, but their
    behavior defined their leadership abilities. The most important person in the
    leader’s life is THEIR Internal Customer. These are the people who have the
    contact with the External Customer. Their presence in the life of the External
    Customer creates the experience the External Customer will have.

    The Internal Customer must be committed to taking care of the
    External Customer. The External Customer is the Internal Customer’s
    primary customer. The Internal Customer is the bridge that connects the
    company to the External Customer.

    This bridge between the organization and the External Customer is critical to
    the company’s growth. If that bridge is weak, so is repeat and referral
    business. If this bridge is not monitored by leadership, the relationship with
    the External Customer can be eroding without anyone paying attention to
    what is happening. The eroding of Customer Loyalty is a result of the
    External Customer not feeling valued or important to those they come in
    contact with.

    I was speaking to a convention in Orlando when I heard the speaker who
    preceded me say, “Forget about Customer Loyalty! It no longer exists!”
    When I walked on stage, I looked at the audience and said, “I mean no
    disrespect to the previous speaker, but he is wrong, really wrong! There is
    still Customer Loyalty – there just aren’t many companies that are earning it.
    Customer Loyalty is the customer’s way of rewarding a company for taking
    care of them. When you earn Customer Loyalty, you get Customer Loyalty.”
    The External Customer is the reason you are in business; they can also be
    the reason a company is no longer in business. Too many have forgotten
    your product gets you noticed; your Customers keep you in business. So
    many companies have had great products but were weak at taking care of
    their External Customers. Taking care of the External Customer MUST be
    the most important role of the Internal Customer. The connection between
    the Internal Customer and the External Customer must be strengthened
    every day through a presence that says “We appreciate and respect the
    business you bring to us.”

    What happens psychologically when this connection bridge grows weak?
    • Business is lost
    • Ruins the reputation of the company
    • Investment made in advertising is a waste of money
    • Disappointments set in
    • Gives the competition an open door to your customers
    • Experience is shared with others
    The gatekeeper of this connection bridge is the Internal Customer. They are
    the real connection the External Customer has with the company. When they
    express a caring attitude, the External Customer feels they matter! That is
    the #1 thing they want to experience. They Want To Know They Matter!
    The statement “YOU MATTER” is created ANY TIME there is a
    connection between the Internal and External Customer. “Knowing You
    Matter” is a feeling! It is what the External Customer FEELS with each
    experience they have with any aspect of doing business with the company.

    What FEELINGS tell the External Customer THEY MATTER?
    • Making their issue your concern.
    A Customer problem is the result of the Customer FEELING their
    issue wasn’t important to the company representative they are
    dealing with.
    • Attention is paid to details.
    Most mistakes are the result of someone not paying attention to what
    they are there to do.
    • Talking “with” the Customer, not “to” them.
    Finding solutions is about asking questions and then listening.
    • The Customer’s time is treated with respect.
    Time is the most important thing people have; treating it with respect
    sends a powerful message of caring.
    • Everyone is smiling from the inside-out.
    A smile is contagious when it is real; the External Customer FEELS
    whether it is real or forced.
    • Refuse to let them leave confused or dissatisfied.
    The FEELINGS the External Customer exits with defines their

    The statement “YOU MATTER” must be the most important FEELING the
    External Customer experiences. It must not be an option; it must be the
    crusade of all the people who TOUCH the life of the External Customer.

    Principle #3:

    Accountability MUST be more than a statement; it must be the Law Of
    Connection. The truth is simple – without accountability, anything goes!
    Leadership MUST be held accountable for the behavior of their people
    toward the External Customer. People aren’t simply because they are; they
    behave in the manner they are given permission to act. When there is the
    attitude of disrespect shown from the Internal Customer toward the External
    Customer, that is a Leadership issue.

    The challenge again is simple – too many are managers, not leaders. The
    Law of Connection MUST be about holding the Internal Customer
    accountable for their behavior. Leaders lead; they don’t simply watch.
    Leaders expect the right behavior; they don’t excuse behavior. Leaders
    address issues; they don’t pretend they don’t exist. Leaders deliver quality;
    they don’t mouth the thought of. Leaders educate; they don’t explain.
    Leaders refuse to make excuses; they hold people accountable!

    Accountability states:

    • All our people are responsible for Customer Care!
    • Caring for OUR Customers is not an option; it is our crusade!
    • Customer concerns will be addressed, not avoided!
    • Obstacles will be turned into opportunities!
    • Unwillingness to help the Customer will not be accepted!
    • Negative attitudes are not welcomed nor tolerated!
    • The agenda is simple – take care of the Customer!
    • Always treat the Customer with Respect!
    • Bettering our people is a daily commitment!
    • Listening to the Customer is our strength!
    • Everything we do is a statement of our Caring Spirit!

    The fact that Leadership cares for their Internal Customer strengthens
    morale. The stronger the internal morale, the stronger the demonstration of
    Customer Care from the Internal Customer to the External Customer.
    When the Spirit of Caring is demonstrated, it says in a loud voice:
    We are here to listen to your need, address it with concern, respond
    with a genuine caring spirit, demonstrate an appreciation for your
    business through our presence, and create such a great experience
    you will want to continue to do business with us.

    There is no message more powerful than a presence that says we are in the
    business of caring about people!

    As one of America’s top personal development speakers and
    coaches, Richard Flint speaks over 100 times per year in the
    areas of Leadership, Sales, Customer Care and Self
    Development. Richard has been successfully mentoring and
    quietly helping professional organizations, large and small
    businesses and individuals for over 30 years. His God-given gift
    is to take what looks confusing to you and show you the
    pathway to clarity.

    For more information contact:
    Richard Flint Seminars
    1-800-368-8255 or (757) 873-7722

    James William replied 2 years ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • James William

    April 19, 2022 at 4:21 am

    [postquote quote=123897]

    It is important to have a good customer care service in order to maintain a good image. It’s also very difficult for companies without one to survive, because they will not be able to keep up with their competition.

    A company’s customer care team can make or break the company. If you have a bad reputation, it can take years before people start trusting your product again – if they ever do at all. That’s why you need top quality customer care services and staff members who are happy and provide great assistance when needed!

    There are countless benefits to having a great customer care team, but here are just a few:

    1. Improved Customer Loyalty – When you take care of your customers, they are more likely to remain loyal to your company and continue doing business with you. This is especially true if you go above and beyond their expectations or solve a problem they’ve been having.

    2. Increased Sales – Happy customers are more likely to recommend your products or services to others, which can lead to increased sales. In fact, studies have shown that it costs 6-7 times more to acquire a new customer than it does to retain an existing one!

    3. Enhanced Reputation – A company with good customer care will inevitably have a better reputation than one that doesn’t. This can attract new customers and make it easier to retain the ones you already have.

    4. Greater Efficiency – When customers are happy with your customer care, they will be more likely to use self-service options such as your website or automated phone system. This frees up your staff to focus on more complex issues, leading to greater efficiency overall.

    5. Improved Morale – Happy employees lead to improved morale, which is essential for any business. If your staff enjoys coming to work and providing great customer care, it will show in their attitude and the quality of their work.

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