Career Expo materials
I was asked to set up a booth at our local high schools Career Expo for freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. It went better than expected. 50 or so individuals visited the booth, 10-15 that I believe actually had some genuine interest. 5-10 of those with intentions of attending our local career tech center in their Junior and Senior years.
Sadly, only one parent traveling with her daughter and showing keen interest in what i had to say and the materials I had for distribution. I spent a lot of time with them. Fortunately, I had more information for Women in Automotive, than almost anything else.
I decided to use videos for most of my materials. I did some research prior to the event trying to figure out what i could put in the hands of these young individuals that they might absorb. It sure seemed like it would have to be something that would involve their phones. What i came up with were “SnapCodes” which are essentially QR codes for snapchat. I chose that when I read a statistic indicating that Snapchat had a 83% penetration rate with 14-17 year olds. That seemed like something to rally around.
Most of the kids that visited the booth along with many of the adults had Snapchat on their phones. Some knew how to scan a snapcode and some did not but thought it was really cool when i showed them. Great conversation starter.
The idea is you create a “Snapcode shape” using snapchat and assign a video URL(youtube or other) to it using the free snapchat app on your PC. . Transfer the image to a page. Center the image in the snapchat window of the phone and hold your finger on the screen over the image. Little circles start spinning and in a second or two you get a popup asking if you want to open the video link. Worked great by all indications.
I have several pages we distributed at the Expo and have attached 3 of the most pertinent pages of snapcodes. (max number of attachments allowed on this forum).
I got a lot of material from https://futuretechsuccess.org/
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