Home » Business Calculators » Gross Profit

Key #9 Total Gross Profit

For this key number, we want to know what percent of total sales was gross profit. That is, the total of all sales of all…

Key #8 Labor Gross Profit

For this key number, we want to know what percent of labor sales was profit. That is, the total sale price of labor sold minus…

Key #7 Tire Gross Profit

For this key number, we want to know what percent of tire sales was profit. That is, the total sale price of tires sold minus…

Key #6 Parts Gross Profit

For this key number, we want to know what percent of parts sales was profit. That is, the total sale price of parts sold minus…

Key #4 True Net

For this key number, we want to know what percent of total sales goes to the owner – including both net profit and the gross…