Ever wish that you could make more money while working less hours?
If you’re tired of LIVING at your shop while still having no money in the bank…
If you need a picture of your kids just to remember what they look like because you’re working insane hours with little to show for it…
If you’re tired of being stressed out, overworked and underpaid…
You’re in the right place.
Don’t you wish you could just stop
all the endless, useless and UNPROFITABLE
hustling for more and more cars?
Make all your hard work FINALLY pay off?
Profit more while working less hours?
You can.
I’m Rick White, a business turnaround & shop growth expert.
And while THEY tell you that the only way to make more money with your shop is with more and more cars…
I know that THEY are wrong.
In fact, I know that you can make MORE money with LESS cars.
Because I help auto and truck repair shop owners go from struggling to stay open to being the go-to shop in their market by working smarter, not harder.
Because I’ve taught thousands to not only make more money than they ever thought possible, but also to have the time to enjoy it with their family and friends, a true rarity in our industry.